How things have changed since the sixties

All of you that stop by from time to time know that I have followed baseball for a long time. Back then when I had some extra money I would spend it on baseball cards and some of it went towards a subscription to the Sporting News, the best place to get baseball news back then. Oh, but how things have changed since the sixties.

Hard copy newspapers and magazines, radios and even televisions are on the way out and the Internet is in. Everyone gets their baseball news by reading about it via the internet on newspaper sites, magazine sites, baseball team sites, baseball blogs and even baseball books via their phones, tablets or computers.

Recently I was using my computer and the internet to do some research about the Minnesota Twins in the 1966 Sporting News and ran across this article in the April 16 edition on page 56 that “caught my eye” and I could not resist making a copy of it to share.