Life at goes on

I have had some serious web site issues here at with my site provider the last six weeks or so that I hope have finally been resolved and life at goes on, at least I hope it does. It all started when my site provider decided they would go through some server migrations and my number so to speak, came up on December 16. After a two day outage they finally got my site up and running but it was slower than molasses in Minnesota in February.

After at least 16 calls and God knows how many hours on the phone over six weeks all I got from them was that they “might” have some server issues that they are working on but they had no idea when things would be resolved. They kept telling me to hire an engineer and redesign my web site, a site that was running fine until they decided to do a server migration. I was so frustrated I was ready to give it up and close down after 15 years of blogging.