Why the Minnesota Twins domain name is not twins.com

domainsI have often wondered why the Minnesota Twins domain name was not twins.com and up until a few weeks ago I had no idea. Then in late August Ben Lindbergh did a piece for www.grantland.com that answered all my questions. It turns out that all but three MLB teams have a domain name you can reach just by using the teams nickname and adding the .com. The Giants, Rays and Twins are exceptions because the NFL Giants have giants.com and rays.com is a long time business that is not about to give up their domain name. Twins.com however; sits there in essence vacant as you can see by going to www.twins.com .

According to the story the domain was registered in October of 1995 by its current owner’s Durland & Darvin Miller who themselves are real-time twins and have no interest in selling to MLB in spite of being offered some nice money. The article goes on to say that the owners reached out to the Twins but the team never really followed up and they would prefer to deal with the team directly rather than through MLB.

It is an interesting article and if you want to check it you can find it at The Website MLB Couldn’t Buy. Maybe I will see if I can acquire it.

