It seems like all we have heard the last few years is how the baseball games have gotten longer and we need to find ways to speed up the game. I agree that the games are longer, but is this something new? How about how the game is played today, with the “home run” being king?
According to a article by Charles Johnson in the Tribune on June 11, 1961 they had the same issues and gripes back then. I have followed baseball since the late 1950’s and when I complain about the game I say we should go back to when I thought baseball was more fun, back in the 50’s and 60’s. But Charley is complaining about how the game was played back then. Yes, the games are longer, TV is to blame for some of this, but has the game really changed that much?
I think one of my favorite statements that Charley Johnson makes is –
Strange as it may seem, the spectator’s aren’t leading the fight to find ways and means of shortening their stay in the stands. It’s coming largely from sports writers, players, managers, club and league officials.

I couldn’t help but laugh when I ran across this article as I was doing research on the Minnesota Twins 1961 season. Right now I am in mid June of 1961, the Twins just finished a 13 game losing streak and the Twins skipper Cookie Lavagetto has been put on “furlough” by owner Calvin Griffith. What the heck? Who used the word furlough before this COVID-19 business happened? Apparently the Twins did back in 1961.
Star Tribune Sun_ Jun_11_1961.pdf
Have a wonderful day and stay safe and healthy.