I just wanted to climb up on my soapbox and take a few minutes to express my thoughts on the 2018 Minnesota Twins advertising gimmick line of “This is how we baseball”. I tried to think back of a worse Twins advertising idea over the years but none really comes to mind as being as bad as this one.
You never know when a gimmick line will catch on and get hot but I don’t think this one ever stood a chance of that. Who wants to wear a t-shirt that says “this is how we baseball” when your team plays as badly as the 2018 Twins have.
What was it intended to really tell us? “This is how we baseball” seems stupid to me but of course I am only one fan and I am sure there must be some fans out there that think this is a great catch phrase. If so, please leave a comment and tell me why you like it because I would really like to know.
If I remember correctly the Twins changed advertising firms going into this season and if so, they got took big time IMHO. Who approved this idea? Jim Pohlad should have that person fired. I do however; remain a Minnesota Twins fan in spite of this ridiculous advertising campaign.