July 16, 2010 – That the first All-Star game Home Run Derby was held at the HHH Metrodome in 1985? The rules were way different back then. When the derby first began in 1985 each player received two turns at bat with five outs per turn at bat. Any swing that was not a home run was an out. This format allowed for the possibility of ties. The derby started out as a contest between the two leagues, with each league having an equal number of players. At the first derby there were ten players (five per league). The NL was represented by Dave Parker of the Reds, Dale Murphy of the Braves, Steve Garvey of the Dodgers, Ryne Sandberg of the Cubs, and Jack Clark of the Cards. The NL had 16 home runs with Parker leading the pack with 6. The AL was represented by Jim Rice of the Red Sox, Eddie Murray of the Orioles, Carlton Fisk of the White Sox, Tom Brunansky of the Twins, and Cal Ripken Jr, of the Orioles. The AL had 17 home runs with Rice, Murray, Fisk, and Bruno each hitting 4 and Ripken added 1.